How to Get a Vehicle Dealers License in Utah (10 steps)

If you offer to sell or sell more than 2 vehicles in the state of Utah or want to access dealer-only auctions, you are legally required to have a dealer license. MVED Auto Dealer Education has been offering dealer education courses since 2002. We've helped thousands of people like you get their Utah Dealer licenses.

1. Dealer Orientation Class

The first step is to take the Dealer Orientation Training Course.

This course will walk you through all of the state and federal requirements of opening and maintaining a dealership in Utah. Submit your certificate with your dealership application (Step 6).

If you offer to sell or sell more than 3 vehicles in the state of Utah or want to access dealer-only auctions, you'll be legally required to have a dealer license. 

Note that each person involved with the dealership as an owner, partner, corporate officer, or member must attend an eight-hour training seminar.

MVED Auto Dealer Education has been offering dealer education courses since 2002. We've helped thousands of people like you get their Utah Dealer licenses.

Start the Orientation Course

2. Get Your EIN

Next, apply for your Federal ID number using the IRS assistance tool. This number will be used for later steps. Use a SSN or other federally recognized ID to get your EIN. 

3. Register Your Dealership & Get Your Utah Sales Tax Number

Next, register your dealership with the Utah Department of Commerce at Utah’s OneStop Business Registration System. How you choose to structure can be a complex decision, it is highly advised to meet with your legal team and accountant.

During the process, you’ll also get your Utah Sales Tax Number. This will be used for later steps.

4. Secure Your Dealership Location and Sign & Take a Photo

The dealership location must meet a few specifications, which are described in further detail in the course. However, here are the basic requirements:

  • The dealership space must have a permanent office structure and display area
  • Space cannot be shared with any other business 
  • Complies with all local zoning and business requirements
  • Permanent sign at least 24 square feet

Next, take a photo. In the photo, ensure that the company name on the sign will read EXACTLY as it appears on the application and bond (Step 6). If you have a DBA, the name must match your DBA.

5. Shop For a Bond

Have your bonding insurance company fill out the Bond of Motor Vehicle Dealer, Crusher or Body Shop (TC-450). The Company name on the bond must read EXACTLY as it does on the application form (Step 6), including your entity name and your DBA name.

After the bonding company completes the bond, it needs to be signed by an owner in front of a notary and then notarized.

Required Bond Amounts

Depending on what type of dealership you’re opening, you’ll have to hold a certain bond amount:

  • Motor vehicle dealer — $75,000
  • ATV/snowmobile/motorcycle/small trailer — $10,000 

6. Complete the Application for Dealer License (TC-301)

Complete TC-301, Bonded Motor Vehicle Business Application. Use the legal name registered with the Utah Department of Commerce (Step 3) and include the complete information of each owner, partner, corporate officer or member.

7. Order Dealer Plates

In order to obtain dealer plates, complete the plate section of TC-301 and provide a copy of your plate insurance declaration page(s). Initially there is a limit of two plates. If you do not order plates when applying to become a dealer, it can take 4-6 weeks for future plate orders.

8. FBI Fingerprint Card and Waiver

Each owner or officer must complete a standard FBI Fingerprint Card and a Fingerprint Waiver

Schedule an appointment here with Utah’s BCI at to obtain the FBI Fingerprint Card.

Note, any criminal conviction for a motor vehicle or drug related crime, fraud or registerable sex offense could be grounds for denial.

9. Include a Photo

Include a passport-type photo of each owner, partner, corporate officer or member with your application (Step 6). Label each photo with the name of the person pictured.

10. Include the Franchise Agreement, if Applicable

If you are selling new vehicles, you will need a franchise. Franchised dealers must include a copy of the franchise agreement(s) with their application for dealer license (Step 6).